Musical emotion

How do sounds evoke emotion?
[To be updated]

While acknowledging a great diversity in evoked emotions across individuals (and cultures) by an identical piece of music, it is still fascinating that such abstract sounds of music can evoke vivid and intense emotions that happen to be similar experineced by many listeners.

Given a specific culture, or even an individual with a stable musical preference, could we expect a constant emotional and neurophysiological responses in such a way classicial auditory perception would?:wink:

If so, could we accurately predict neurophysiological, bodily, and behavioral responses to better understand how auditory information is transformed to evoke responses?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Does music evoke emotions?

Does music evoke specific emotions? Is it reproducible?



How do we even know whether a certain emotion is evoked by certain music? To establish causation, it is vital to observe a fixed effect of music over multiple repetitions despite varying random factors (e.g., daily mood).